Thursday, June 10, 2010

and i am a total bum.... kidding! :p

so yeah summer is almost over and the rainy season is gonna start in around a week. this summer has been okay, i guess its better than last summer since i wasnt confined that much to my laptop. haha anyhow, i took driving school so that i can have the skill and i wanna go out badly! HAHA!! boo for wrong motives. but then learning how to drive is an investment :)

okay so i was at facebook and i saw this likepage: If you dont wanna ruin your friendships, dont fall in love. well i guess that's what i should do right now. its kinda of a selfish thing but maybe i should not fall for anyone. i should fall more deeply in love with God because He is the one who has been sustaining me throughout the times. :) throughout the joy and the sadness, God has always been there. the times i have hurt and cried over the smallest of things, God saw it no matter how shallow those tears are, no matter how deep I find myself, I still see God and its a comfort.
